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Senin, 10 Juni 2013


Araujo, Luis, Anna Dubois, and Lars-Erik Gadde (1999), “Managing Interfaces with
Suppliers”, Industrial Marketing Management, 28, 497-506.

Bengtsson, Maria and Sören Kock (1999), “Coopetition in Business Networks- to Cooperate
and Compete Simultaneously”, Industrial Marketing Management, forthcoming.
Bensaou, M. (1999), “Portfolios of Buyer-Supplier Relationships”, Sloan Management
Review, (Summer), 35-44.

Blenker, Per and Poul R. Christensen (1995), “Interactive strategies in Supply Chains - a
Double-edged Portfolio Approach to Small- and medium-sized Subcontractors’ Position
Analyses”, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 7, 249-

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